Jupiter Meets Saturn in Aquarius - Clash of the Titans

 Jupiter and Saturn, the two largest planets in our solar system, have been in close proximity for awhile now.  They meet up on December 20th Pacific time. The sun is JUST about ready to enter Capricorn -- the winter solstice -- when they finally get together.  Is this a big deal?  Of course it is!   

It's not just about size of course but in case you have forgotten all you learned about the planets in school, here is a photo courtesy of NASA that is kind of an "oh my" moment. 

Mercury - Venus - Earth - Mars - Jupiter - Saturn - Uranus - Neptune - Pluto

We are on that pretty blue cloudy planet to Jupiter's left.   Let's pause here for a minute to think about that.  It isn't JUST about size of course. Tiny little Pluto way over on the right packs a super big punch astrologically. Still, it is cause for reflection.  

Each planet represents many things astrologically. Jupiter being the largest planet --if you don't count in Saturn's rings of course -- represents bounty and luck among other things.  Saturn can often be looked at as challenges and lessons. 

Opportunities within Constraints

Let's look at what that might mean for us in 2020 and especially on the winter solstice.  


It has been a bitch of a year, and I say that purposefully since releasing anger now and then is a good thing. Bottling up? Not so much. Most of us have had our liberties curtailed this last year. Some more than others -- some going along with the rules others breaking them. I suspect most everyone wants 2020 to be over and 2021 to be better.  But many of the folks on the planet HAVE learned lessons and grown accordingly. 

Some have learned to live better with themselves, not being surrounded by hoards of people. Some have learned to count on themselves rather than their typical support group. Some have reached out to others helping in times of need when typically they would have been wrapped up in the busy world of everyday living. Sometimes slowing down teaches us thing we can never see when the world is spinning so rapidly around us. 

What else can we see from the pattern in the sky?  The winter solstice is the shortest day of the year. It is the turning point from the gathering darkness into the light. I like that metaphor very much; it gives me hope that the worst will be behind us and that we can move on and rebuild -- taking along with us what we have learned.  

 This meeting of the giants takes place as they move into Aquarius hand in hand -- another "are you paying attention?" sign. Aquarius is drawn towards the future while giving credit to the past. It believes in change but sometimes has a difficult time adopting what it knows will be better -- again that link to the past. Personal integrity is of utmost importance, but beyond that there is a need to put the good of the group before personal gains.  

There is also a rebelliousness with Aquarius -- an "I've had enough" and a willingness to fight against authority when it appears that authority is wrong. Along with those traits comes the ability to look at events from afar and in an intellectual manner encompassing a pragmatic coldness about what is just and what  is unjust. 

May we live in interesting times ----

Remember that astrology doesn't predict outcomes; it only shows us the energies surrounding us. How we work with those energies is our choice. 

I am hoping we make wise decisions. 

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